A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Roger L. Landrum (Nigeria 196163)
- Letters from the Peace Corps (contributor), Washington: Robert B. Luce, Inc., 1964
- Vignettes of Nigeria, Buffalo: Black Academy Press 1970.
- The Role of the Peace Corps in Education in Developing Countries: A Sector Study, Washington, D.C. : Peace Corps, Information Collection and Exchange, 1984.
Mark Landsberg (Iran 196466)
- Landsberg’s Law: A Journey of Discovery, Morris Publishing, 2006 (Buy this book at LandsbergsLaw.com)
Danny G. Langdon (Ethiopia 196264)
- Interactive Instructional Designs for Individualized Learning, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Educational Technology Publications, 1972. (Buy this book)
- The Construct Lesson Plan: Improving Group Instruction, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Educational Technology Publications, 1978.
- The Audio-Workbook, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Educational Technology Publications, 1978.(Buy this book)
- The Adjunct Study Guide, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Educational Technology Publications, 1978. (Buy this book)
- Suggestive-Accelerative Learning & Teaching, editor, by Owen Caskey, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Educational Technology Publications, 1978.
- The New Language of Work, Amherst, Mass.: HRD Press, 1995.
- Intervention Resource Guide: 50 Performance Improvement Tools, editor with Kathleen S. Whiteside, Monica M. McKenna, San Francisco : Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer, 1999. (Buy this book)
- Aligning Performance: Improving People, Systems, and Oorganizations, San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey-Bass, Pfeiffer, 2000 (Buy this book)
- My Mother Can Beat Up Your Father, PublishAmerica, 2006 (Buy this book)
Walter M. Langford (staff: Chile 196163)
- Letters from the Peace Corps (contributor), Washington: Robert B. Luce, Inc., 1964
Terri Lapinsky (Gabon 197577)
- Kids Like Me: Voices of the Immigrant Experience, Intercultural Press 2006 (Buy this book)
Karen Larsen (Bulgaria 199698)
- Breaking the Limit: One Woman's Motorcycle Journey Through North America, Hyperion, 2004 (Buy this book) REVIEW
Charles R. Larson (Nigeria 196264)
- African Short Stories, Collier Books, 1970
- Prejudice: 20 Tales of Oppression and Liberation, NY: New American Library, 1971
- The Emergence of African Fiction, Revised Edition, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1972
- The Novel in the Third World, Washington, DC: Inscape, 1976
- Opaque Shadows, Washington, DC: Inscape, 1976
- Academia Nuts: Or, the Collected Works of Clara Le Page, Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs-Merrill, 1977
- American Indian Fiction, Santa Fe, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1978
- The Insect Colony, NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1978 Arthur Dimmesdale, NY: A & W Publishers, 1983
- An Intimation of Things Distant: The Collected Fiction of Nella Larsen, NY: Anchor, 1992 (Editor)
- Under African Skies: Modern African Stories (Buy this book), editor; Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1997
- The Ordeal of the African Writer, Zed Books, 2001 (Buy this book)
Robert H. Larson (Nigeria 196870)
- Sunlight Works: Solar Science, with Heather Gurley, no publisher, no date.
Art Latham (Micronesia 1966-68)
- Lost in the Land of Enchantment, Las Cruces, NM: Arroyo Press, 1995
Jerry Loudenback (Afghanistan 197274)
- Americans Do Their Business Abroad: Stories by People Who Should Have Known Better, But Are Glad They Didn’t, (contributor), Lulu, 2007 (Buy at Lulu)
Donald Lawder (Mali 1983-85, 1988-95)
- Fishing in the Sky: The Education of Namory Keita (Buy this book), The Permanent Press, 1997
Eric Lax (Micronesia 1966-68)
- On Being Funny: Woody Allen and Comedy, NY: Charterhouse, 1975
- Life and Death on 10 West, NY: Times Books, 1984
- Woody Allen, NY: Knopf, 1991
- The Leadership Challenge: How to Keep Getting Extraordinary Things Done in Organizations, with Barry Z. Posner, Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1995 (Buy this book)
- Bogart , with A. M. Sperber, William Morrow, 1997 (Buy this book)
- Paul Newman: A Celebration, Chrysalis Books, 1996; Newman: A Celebration, Trafalgar, 1998 (Buy this book)
- The Mold in Dr. Florey's Coat : The Story of the Penicillin Miracle, Henry Holt & Company, Inc. 2004 (Buy this book) REVIEW
Casey Laycock (Bulgaria 200305)
- A Life Inspired: Tales of Peace Corps Service, contributor, DC: Peace Corps/USGPO, 2006
Laurence Leamer (Nepal 1964-66)
- The Paper Revolutionaries: The Rise of the Underground Press, NY: Simon & Schuster, 1972
- Playing for Keeps: In Washington, NY: Dial Press, 1977
- Assignment, NY: Dial Press, 1981
- Ascent: The Spiritual and Physical Quest of Willi Unsoeld, NY: Simon & Schuster, 1982 (Unsoeld was PC Director in Nepal in 1963 when he climbed Mt. Everest.); Quill, 1999 (Buy this book)
- Make-Believe: The Story of Nancy and Ronald Reagan, NY: Harper & Row, 1983
- As Time Goes By: The Life of Ingrid Bergman, NY: Harper & Row, 1986
- Ingrid, Masadah, 1987
- King of the Night: The Life of Johnny Carson, NY: Morrow, 1989
- The Kennedy Women: The Saga of an American Family, Villard Books/Random House, 1994; Ballantine 1996 (Buy this book)
- Three Chords and the Truth: Hope, Heartbreak and Changing Fortunes in Nashville: Behind the Scenes with Those Who Make and Shape Country Music , Harper Collins, 1997; Harper Mass Market Paperbacks, 1997 (Buy this book)
- The Kennedy Men 19011963: The Laws of the Father, William Morrow & Co., 2001 (Buy this book)
- Sons of Camelot: The Fate of An American Dynasty; William Morrow, 2004 (Buy this book) REVIEW
- Fantastic: The Life of Arnold Schwarzenegger, St. Martins Press, 2005 (Buy this book) REVIEW
Phillip G. LeBel (Ethiopia 196467)
- Energy Economics and Technology, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982.
- Economic Choices for Educational Policy in Africa, Upper Montclair, N.J. : Center for Economic Research on Africa, Dept. of Economics, School of Business Administration, Montclair State College, 1988.
Steven A. Leblanc (Western Samoa 1960s)
- Mimbres People: Ancient Pueblo Painters of the American Southwest, Thames & Hudson, 1983 (Buy this book)
- Mimbres Pottery: Ancient Art of the American Southwest, et al, Hudson Hills Press, 1983 (Buy this book)
- Archeological Explanation: The Scientific Method in Archeology, photographer, Columbia University Press, 1984
- The Galaz Ruin: A Prehistoric Mimbres Village in Southwestern New Mexico, with Roger Anyon, U of New Mexico Press, 1985
- Short-Term Sedentism in the American Southwest: The Mimbres Valley Salado, with Ben A. Nelson, U of New Mexico Press, 1986
- Girikihaciyan: a Halafian Site in Southeatern Turkey, with Patty Jo Watson, UCLA, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, 1990
- Strategies for Creative Problem-Solving, with H. Scott Fogler, Prentice Hall, 1995
- Prehostoric Warefare in the American Southwest, U of Utah Press, 1999 (Buy this book)
- Deadly Landscapes: Case Studies in Prehistoric Southwestern Warfare, editor with Glen E. rice, University of Utah Press, 2001
- Early Pithouse Villages of the Mimbres Valley and Beyond, et al, Peabody Museum of Archaeology & , 2001
- Constant Battles: The Myth of the Peaceful, Noble Savage, with Katherine E. Register, St. Martin's Press, 2003
Roger Leed (Nigeria 196365)
- Mambila Remembered, with John Bishop, Steve Clapp, Lowell Fewster and Harvey Flad, self published, 2006 (Buy from Lulu)
- The Deal: A Novel, NY: Random House, 1991; Washington Square Press, 2003 (Buy this book)
- The Dreyfus Affair: A Love Story, NY: Random House, 1992 (Buy this book)
- Di And I: A Novel, NY: Random House, 1994
- Abbreviating Ernie (Buy this book), Villard Books, 1997
- The Woody: A Novel (Buy this book), Simon & Schuster, 1998; Washington Square Press, 1999; 2003 (Buy this book)
- Glimmer Train Stories, #32, contributor, Glimmer Train Press, 1999 (Buy this book)
- The First Time I Got Paid for It: Writers' Tales from the Hollywood Trenches, Public Affairs, 2000 (Buy this book)
- Eleven Karens, Simon & Schuster, 2003 (Buy this book)
- The Manhattan Beach Project : A Novel, Simon & Schuster, 2005 (Buy this book) REVIEW
Bernard Lefkowitz
- The Victims: The Wylie-Hoffert Murder Case and Its Strange Aftermath, with Kenneth G. Gross, New York, Putnam, 1969
- Breaktime: Living Without Work in a Nine-to-Five World, New York: Penguin Books, 1980 (Buy this book)
- Tough Change: Growing Up on Your Own in America, Free Press, 1987 (Buy this book)
- Our Guys: The Glen Ridge Rape and the Secret Life of the Perfect Suburb, Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 1997; New York : Vintage Books, 1998 (Buy this book)
Ray Leki (Nepal 1979-81; staff: Nepal 1988-90, Pakistan 1990)
Jim Lerager (Ethiopia 196869; Ghana 196971)
- In the Shadow of the Cloud Photographs and Histories of America's Atomic Veterans, with Karl Ziegler Morgan and Susan D. Lambert Golden, CO: Fulcrum Press, 1989 (Buy this book)
- James Lerager: Tales from the Nuclear Age, Raleigh, NC: City Gallery of Contemporary Art 1994
Elizabeth Letts (Morocco 198386)
Donald J. Leu (Marshall Islands 196971
- Effective Reading Instruction in the Elementary Grades, with Charles K. Kinzer, Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill,1987; :K-8 New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1995 (2nd ed.); NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002, (3rd ed.); Effective Literacy Instruction K8,1999 (4th edition); : Implementing Best Practice, 2002 (5th edition). (Buy this book)
- Teaching with the Internet: Lessons from the Classroom, with D.D. Leu, Norwood, MA: Christopher-Gordon,1997; 1999 (2nd ed.); 2000 (3rd ed.) (Buy this book)
- . (2000). Scott Foresman's Internet Guide: An Introduction to the Internet, with T. C Lauer, Glenview, IL: Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers, 2000 [also in French]; Internet Guide: An Introduction to the Internet, Learning Network. 2001
- Phonics, Phonemic Awareness, and Word Analysis for Teachers: An Interactive Tutorial with R.M. Wilson, M. Hall, & C.K. Kinzer,Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001 (7th ed.) (Buy this book)
Leonard Levitt (Tanzania 196365)
- An African Season, NY: Simon & Schuster, 1967
- The Long Way Round, NY: Saturday Review Press, 1972
- The Brothers of Attica, Editor, by Richard X. Clark, , NY: Links, 1973
- The Healer, NY: Viking/Avon, 1980
- Going Up Country, Travel Essays by Peace Corps Writers, Scribner's, 1994 (Contributor) (Buy this book)
- Conviction : Solving the Moxley Murder: A Reporter and a Detective's Twenty-Year Search for Justice, Regan Books, 2004
A. W. Lewis (Colombia 196163)
- Letters from the Peace Corps (contributor), Washington: Robert B. Luce, Inc., 1964
Roger K. Lewis (Tunisia 196466)
Hoover Liddell (Nigeria 196769)
- South of the Frontera, San Bruno, CA, A Book Company, 1993
- Americruise, San Bruno, CA, A Book Company, 1993
- Salt of the Earth, San Bruno, CA, A Book Company, 1994
- Travels in South America, Dillingham, Alaska, A Book Company, 1995
- American Papers (Numbers I-V), Madera, CA, A Book Company, 1997-1998
- Travelin' Doodles, Madera, CA, A Book Company, 1997
- Across the Yucatan, Madera, CA, A Book Company, 2007 (To buy) Review
- Jesus Was Arrested in Mexico City & Missed the Wedding, Madera, CA, A Book Company, 2008 (To buy) Review
- Attack of the Claw: And Other Poems about Teaching, A Book Company, 2008 (To buy)
John W. Limbert (Iran 196466)
- Iran: At War with History, Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press; London : Croom Helm, 1987.
Anne Bates Linden (Ukraine 199295)
- Assumptions and Misunderstandings: Memoir of an Unwitting Spy, self-published, 2006 (Buy this book) REVIEW
Michele Linnen (Honduras 1983-85)
- Mayan Dance, Washington, DC: Casillas Press, 1996
Richard Lipez (Ethiopia 1962-64)
- Grand Scam (Buy this book), with Peter Stein, NY: Dial, 1979 (Co-author); NY: Popular Library, 1980
- Death Trick: A Donald Strachey Mystery (Buy this book), under pseudonym Richard Stevenson, NY: St. Martin's Press, 1981; Boston: Alyson Publications, 1982
- On the Other Hand, Death: A Donald Strachey Mystery, under pseudonym Richard Stevenson, NY: St. Martin's Press, 1984; NY: Penguin, 1985; NY: St. Martin's , 1995; mlr press, 2008 (Buy this book)
- Ice Blues: A Donald Strachey Mystery, under pseudonym Richard Stevenson, NY: St. Martin's Press, 1986; NY: Penguin, 1987; NY: St. Martin's , 1995; Haworth Press 2006 (Buy this book)
- Third Man Out: A Donald Strachey Mystery (Buy this book), under pseudonym Richard Stevenson, NY: St. Martin's Press, 1992; NY: St. Martin's Press, 1993; Haworth Press 2006 (Buy this book)
- Shock to the System, under the pseudonym Richard Stevenson, NY: St. Martin's Press, 1995; Haworth Press 2007 (Buy this book)
- Chain of Fools: A Donald Strachey Mystery (Buy this book), under pseudonym Richard Stevenson, NY: St. Martin's Press, 1996
- Crimes of the Scene: A Mystery Novel Guide for the International Traveler (Buy this book), NY: St. Martin's Press, 1997 by Nina King with African section by Lipez
- Strachey's Folly: A Donald Strachey Mystery, under pseudonym Richard Stevenson, NY: St. Martin's Press, 1998 (Buy this book) REVIEW
- Tongue Tied: A Donald Strachey Mystery, under pseudonym Richard Stevenson, NY: St. Martin's Press, 2003 (Buy this book) REVIEW
- Death Vows, Mlrpress, 2008 (Buy this book) Review
Ruby Long (Uzbekistan 19992001)
- A Life Inspired: Tales of Peace Corps Service, contributor, DC: Peace Corps/USGPO, 2006
John H. Lorentz (Iran 196264)
- Historical Dictionary of Iran, Lanham, MD, Scarecrow Press, 1995.
Bernadette Zayas Lorenzo (Paraguay 199698)
- A Life Inspired: Tales of Peace Corps Service, contributor, DC: Peace Corps/USGPO, 2006
Kate Lorig (Chile 196466)
- Outcome Measures for Health Education and Other Health Care Interventions, editor, Sage Publications 1996
- Patiend Education: A Practical Approach, Sage Pub., 1992; 2nd ed, 1996; 3rd ed 2000 (Buy this book)
- Back Pain Helpbook, contributor, Perseus Press, 1999 (Buy this book)
- The Arthritis Help Book: A Tested Self-Management Program for Coping with Arthritis and Fibromyalgia, with James Fries and Maureen Gecht, Perseus Press,1980; 1986; 1990; 4th ed 1995; 5th ed 2000 (Buy this book) Como convivir con su artritis: Una guia para una vida activa y saludable Spanish edition 2000
- Living Well with HIV and AIDS, contributor, Bull Pub, 1994; 2000 (Buy this book)
- Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions: Self-Management of Heart Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, Asthma, Bronchitis, Emphysema & Others, editor, Bull Pub., 2nd ed 2000 (Buy this book); Tomando control de su salud Spanish edition 2001 (Buy this book)
Matt Losak (Lesotho 198588)
- At Home in the World: The Peace Corps Story, contributor, Peace Corps/USGPO, 1996
Deborah N. Losse (Nigeria 196668)
- Rhetoric at Play: Rabelais and Satirical Eulogy (Utah Studies in Literature and Linguistics, Vol 17), Bern, Las Vegas: Lang, 1980.
- Sampling the Book: Renaissance Prologues and the French Conteurs, Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press; London: Associated University Presses, 1994.
Jane Baker Lotter (Staff spouse: Malawi 196567)
another site
- To Africa With Spatula: A Peace Corps Mom in Malawi 1965-1967, Lotter Press (P.0. Box 73234, Davis, CA 95617) 2002 REVIEW
Bob Love (Philippines 1963-66)
- Sundays at the Moosewood Restaurant, NY: Simon & Schuster, 1991
Ned B. Lovell (Nigeria 196466)
- Grievance Arbitration in Education, Phi Delta Kappa International; 1985
Susan Lowerre (Senegal 1985-87)
Kevin Lowther (Sierra Leone 196365, Peace Corps/Washington 1965-68)
- Keeping Kennedy's Promise: The Peace Corps, Unmet Hope of the New Frontier, with C. Payne Lucas, Westview Press, 1978; , The Peace Corps' Moment of Truth, Baltimore: Peace Corps Online, 2002 (To purchase contact klowther@africare.org)
C. Payne Lucas (Staff: Togo, Niger, Washington 196471)
- Keeping Kennedy's Promise: The Peace Corps, Unmet Hope of the New Frontier, with Kevin Lowther, Westview Press, 1978; , The Peace Corps' Moment of Truth, Baltimore: Peace Corps Online, 2002 (To purchase contact klowther@africare.org)
Cathy Colligan Luchetti (Colombia 1968-70)
- Antelope Island, no publisher, no date
- Medicine Women: The Story of Early-American Women Doctors, no publisher, no date
- Women of the West (Library of the American West) (Buy this book), and Carol Olwell, NY: Orion/Crown, 1982; 2001 (Buy this book)
- Under God's Spell: Frontier Evangelist 1772-1915 (Buy this book), Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1989
- Under God's Spell: Frontier Evangelist 1793-1915 (Buy this book), Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1989
- Home on the Range: A Culinary History of the American West, 1800-1915 (Buy this book), NY: Villard/Random House, 1993
- 'I Do!' Courtship, Love and Marriage on the American Frontier (Buy this book), Crown Publishing, 1996
- The Hot Flash Cookbook: Delicious Recipes for Health and Well-Being During Menopause (Buy this book), Chronicle Books, 1997, 1999
- Mama Says: Inspiration, Wit & Wisdon from the Mothers in Our Lives, Loyola Press, 2000 (Buy this book)
- Children of the West: Family Life on the Frontier, W.W. Norton, 2001 (Buy this book)
Allan Luks (Venezuela 196668)
- Having Been There: 19 Prizewinning Stories, editor, Scribners, 1979
- Will America Sober Up?, Beacon Press, 1983 (Buy this book)
- You Are What You Drink: The Authoritative Report on What Alcohol Does to Your Mind, Body & Longevity, with Joseph Barbaato, Villard, 1989 (Buy this book)
- The Healing Power of Doing Good: The Health and Spiritual Benefits of Helping Others, with Peggy Payne, Fawcett Columbine (hardcover), 1991; iuniverse (paperback) 2001 (Buy this book)
- Jamaica Handbook, Emeryville, CA: Moon Publications, 1991; 3rd edition, 1996; 4th ed, Avalon Travel Publishing, Moon Handbooks, 1999 (Buy this book)
- Caribbean: The Lesser Antilles (Buy this book), Passport Books, 1995
- Caribbean Handbook: The Virgin, Leeward, and Windward Islands (Guidebook) , and Gina Wilson Birtcil (Buy this book), Chico, CA: Moon Publications, 1995
- Caribbean; The Lesser Antilles, Passport Books, 1996 (Buy this book)
- Virgin Islands Handbook, Chico, CA: Moon Travel Handbooks, 1997; 2nd edition, 2001 (Buy this book)
- Carribbean Vacations, Avalon Travel Publishing, 1998 (Buy this book)
- Short Nature Walks on Cape Cod, Nantucket, and the Vineyard (5th Ed) editor, by Hugh Sadlier, Heather Sadlier, Globe Pequot Press; 6th Ed, 1998 (Buy this book)
- Living on the Edge: Fiction by Peace Corps Writers, contributor, Curbstone Press, 1999 (Buy this book)
- St. Lucia: Mini Rough Guide, Rough Guides, 1999 (Buy this book)
- Know It by Heart, Curbstone Press, 2003 (Buy this book) REVIEW
Winner of the PEACE CORPS WRITERS Maria Thomas Fiction Award, 2004
Christina Luongo (Bolivia 200204)
- A Life Inspired: Tales of Peace Corps Service, contributor, DC: Peace Corps/USGPO, 2006
Charles H. Lyons (Nigeria 1964-66)
- Essays in the History of African Education, editor with Vincent M. Battle, New York, Teachers College Press, 1970
- Education for What?: British Policy Versus Local Initiative, Syracuse University, 1973
- To Wash an Aethiop White: British Ideas About Black African Educability, 1530-1960, Teachers College Pr; 1975
Jacqueline Lyons (Lesotho 199295)